Kind Energy

Heat Pumps

Kind Energy - Heat Pumps

Heat pumps have become more popular than ever before now, and it’s easy to see why. In an era in which we all want to be greener, they represent a solution that’s more environmentally friendly than traditional heating sources, enabling home and business owners to drastically reduce their carbon footprints. Reaching Net Zero targets isn’t going to be easy, but heat pumps will definitely make a difference.

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In addition to being kinder to the planet, heat pumps offer an opportunity to reduce the overall cost of either domestic or commercial energy. They do this in a number of ways, including the use of renewable energy sources such as sunlight and wind. In general, they are designed to extract heat energy from their surrounding environment, and as a result they generate more energy than they consume.

For home and business owners who are looking to save on their bills while at the same time take steps to reduce the effects of climate change, heat pumps are now an extremely attractive option. One of the drawbacks for some people, however, is their lack of clear understanding about heat pumps and the benefits they can bring. This, thankfully, is where Kind Energy can step in.

Our specialists have all the know-how you could possibly need, and as a result we can help to guide you along the whole process. We can be there for you from the initial consultation stage through to the installation and beyond, explaining clearly and honestly about the plus and minus points of every decision that needs to be made. We’ve helped home and business owners just like you to make the best choices of all, and we can do the same for you.

Among the many solutions we can provide is advice on which type of heat pump would be best for your particular property. Air source heat pumps are usually fitted to an external side of the property, from where they can draw air into the home or office. The ground source variety makes use of heat in the soil itself or even water, while there are hybrid versions which can also utilise a conventional boiler as a back up.

The question you’re likely to be asking is which option should I take? Unless you have a sound understanding, however, you’ll need guidance you can trust. Having experts on your side can make a huge difference to not only making the right decision but also to spending less in the process. Given the seriousness of the environmental situation and the need to keep outlay to a minimum, can you even afford to make such decisions without the help of trusted, reliable professionals?

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Thankfully, for home and business owners the best advice and guidance can be found right now from Kind Energy. We have a friendly, approachable team made up of knowledgeable specialists who always have your interests at heart. You need honest, reliable guidance, and that’s exactly what we can offer. To find out more, get in touch today by 0330 818 8813 or via We hope to hear from you very soon.

There has been bad press and there are scare stories of people removing the heat pumps and going back to fossil fuels. There should be no reason for this if the correct understanding, sizing, installation & training have taken place. Don’t let yourself fall into this trap, it is a whole house approach with all items integrated. 

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