Kind Energy

Six reasons why the heat pump industry is changing rapidly

The heat pump industry at the moment is a rapidly changing entity, due to a number of factors. The most obvious is the upsurge in demand for heat pumps, fuelled by their ability to dramatically reduce carbon emissions for both domestic homes and business premises. Given the fact that the UK has committed to a net zero target by the year 2050, this increased demand looks set to continue for many years to come.

A strong need for upskilling

One of the biggest challenges facing the heat pump industry is the relatively low availability of skilled tradespeople. As is often the case, a sector that experiences a sudden increase in demand will inevitably suffer from a skills shortage. Steps are being taken to increase the number of engineers and installers at the moment, but until the demand is met there will be some form of shortage. The need for more training programmes in the UK is all too apparent.

Pressures brought by new housebuilding

Right across Britain, there has been a noticeable housing shortage for a number of years. Governments, local authorities and the construction industry have been under increasing pressure to meet their targets, and this situation is set to continue for many years. A significant number of new homes are being built with heat pumps as their main energy source, and this has understandably added to the demand for tradespeople, as well as for the appliances, of course.

Coping with a sudden huge demand

For home and business owners, making the switch from traditional oil or gas boilers is a hugely attractive proposition. It’s now possible to leave behind the bad old days of fossil fuel-based heating and embrace a far cleaner – and totally renewable – energy source. There are also financial incentives from the authorities to help keep the costs down, so now is an extremely good time to consider a change.

Giving consumers much-needed guidance

Perhaps one of the less apparent aspects of changing to heat pumps is the level of confusion that surrounds such a decision. Here at Kind Energy, we specialise in helping our customers to make informed choices about the options that are open to them. These appliances can transform the way a property is heated, and in many cases people simply don’t understand how or why. There are so many benefits to making such a switch, and our team of experts can provide reliable, honest and open advice right from the start.

So many questions for end users to ask

It’s also important to note that installations can differ significantly from one property to another. Building a development in which all thirty houses are basically the same makes it easier to design and install a heat pump system for each of them, but for individual properties, especially perhaps those which are being retro-fitted, the process will often vary greatly. Therefore, bespoke advice from a recognised expert can be something of a must-have.

Making a difference to isolated properties

Take a drive through the countryside in almost any region of the UK and you’ll see plenty of properties that have external oil tanks which feed the home’s heating system. They aren’t on the main grid, and until the advent of modern heat pumps the owners were resigned to the fact that a greener step forward simply wasn’t practical. That’s all changing for the better now, because air source, ground source or solar-powered heat pumps can be installed with ease, enabling owners to make a major contribution towards reducing their carbon emissions.

Overall, it’s easy to see why this industry is having to evolve rapidly. It’s expected that the increase in the demand for heat pumps will continue to grow, with more and more home and property owners looking to make the switch. It’s perfectly natural for anyone to feel a degree of uncertainty about the benefits they bring, and that’s where Kind Energy comes in.

Our team can take you through all the options available to you, including the various types of heat pumps, the systems that would work best for your specific property and the heat pump models that are available on the current market. There’s no need to feel confused in any way if you have specialist help from experienced specialists. To find out more about taking that all-important first step, simply call Kind Energy today on 0330 818 8813 or write to us at We look forward to hearing from you.

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